We are given the following Python code for encrypting the flag:
The way that the encryption works is that if it encounters a bit with value “1” in the binary representation of the plaintext (or the flag itself), then it appends $a^e \mod p$ to the ciphertext array, otherwise it appends $-a^e \mod p$.
The unintended solution, which is based on a naive “hunch” that we can only find the discrete log, or $e$ of a given number in the ciphertext array if and only if the value of the plaintext bit is 1
. Hence, we have a solution in Sage, which takes advantage of the discrete_log
The above relies on a unproven assumption that there does not exist $b$ and $c$ in the finite group such that $a ^ b + a ^ c \equiv 0 \mod p$.
The intended solution, however, relies on a “smarter” observation. We observe that the prime used is of the form $4k + 3$, and that the Legendre Symbol of $a$ is 1
. So if $a$ is a quadratic residue mod $p$, all powers of a will be too. With the encrypted bit $b = 0$, we store the value of $-(a^e)$, which is not a quadratic residue as the Legendre Symbol will be
We have the above as $\frac{p - 1}{2}$ is odd (due to $p = 3 \mod 4$). To sum up, we compute the Legendre symbol of the number, if it’s a quadratic residue, then we have a $1$ bit, otherwise $0$ bit.