Some projects I have been working on, in no particular order


A Python library (a bit poorly designed) for converting images to ASCII representation in the terminal. I learn a bit about some terminal magic and how to upload a repository to pip


A Flask application vulnerable to numerous JWT attacks. A solution is also implemented to defend against such attacks.


A Burp Suite extension that mimics the Collaborator Everywhere extension, for This aims to replace the paywalled Burp Collaborator back when I was attempting the Portswigger labs.


A somewhat limited attempt in building an Javascript virus scanning engine based on the logs from a JavaScript malware sandbox. This is a summer research project.


A simple proxy server written in Go. Nothing really special aside from its simple logic.

Future ideas?

To the future me:

  • Maybe some Chrome extensions?
  • SCA engine
  • Something that uses DevTools recorder for monitoring the changes to the DOM.